Life Has Happened

Gary Manning
2 min readApr 18, 2022

Once upon a time, I was almost interesting.
I started this page in the spring of 2019 as a way to write a daily reflection while I was walking the Camino de Santiago.
After I returned from that life-changing experience, I wrote a few posts about this or that.
Then in November 2019, I wrote the last one.
Only I didn’t know at the time I had written the last one.

Since then…well, some stuff has happened.
Most notably the pandemic.
I’ve continued working (thanks be).
I’ve continued working out at the gym (albeit not as “religiously” as I probably ought).
I’ve continued to do my best to be a good pastor to the folks in my charge — but they’re the ones who know all the ways I’ve failed in that effort.

I stopped writing because I really didn’t have much to say.
I stopped writing because I believed my voice (the voice of a straight, white, cis-gendered, Baby Boomer male) was the last voice ANYONE needed to hear.
I stopped writing because I was bored with me, and I figured if I was bored with me, well, everyone else was probably bored too.
I stopped writing because I lost my way.
To be honest, I feel like I have lost the last two years.

Actually, I was probably OK through 2020, but 2021 kicked my ass.
Yes, I know, I have no right to complain because of the privileged position I inhabit (see above), but every bit of evidence I have about my life indicates my ass has been sufficiently kicked.

But, today we had the first in-person Easter worship service since 2019 (before I went to Spain).

It. Was. Glorious.
There was singing!
There were people!
We even had visitors!

As I was distributing Communion, I saw a couple in line.
I had officiated their wedding in September 2019.
Such sweet people.
I remember they were so attentive to each other.
They also were INTENT on making their relationship with God a priority in their marriage.
Because of their work schedules and the pandemic, I’ve only seen them a few times since their wedding.
Today they came forward with hands extended to receive the Body of Christ.
They had grins on their faces.
Then I saw why they were grinning.
The baby is due in June.
Life has happened.

